We regret the decision to have to cancel the FMBB 2020 world championshipin May. Following the current pandemic (COVID-19), and the health measures takenby all official instanceswhich are only getting strongerevery day.
France is declared as acontaminated country. For the moment, gatherings of more than 1000 people in France are prohibited. Following the evolutionand spreading of the“coronavirus”, the coming days, weeks, months, it will spread furtherand further over the world. Aconsequenceis that we willhavefew competitors presentdue to the current and future restrictions imposed by the different authorities in many different countries.
Since we normally receive over 40 countries from different continents, we would put everyone at high risk.The FMBB acknowledges and assumes its responsibility in this matter. That is why the world championship is canceled.
We fully agree and confirm the views of our French organizer, the French Belgian Shepherd Association. They do not have toput theirtechnical staff, volunteers (often elderly) at risk, whom we will put in contact with competitors, supporters, a large part of which will have crossed Europe and more.
It is therefore preferable to make this wise decision to cancel or postpone.
The FMBB governing bodymeets on Tuesday March 17 at its headquarters in Ostend (B) to define the possible solutions that could be brought for this 2020 Championship.
A new press release will be sent to you following this meeting.
Thank you for your understanding.
The FMBB governing body